These products are not yet supported but are actively being worked on. Serato Sample and Pitch ’n Time Pro and LE Serato is pleased to announce that Studio 1.3.1 is fully supported in Catalina. HID platter audio playback improvements for hardware used with Windows 7. Major improvements to the scratching technology for the Rane TWELVE and other devices with motorized platters. Rane TWELVE and other motorized platter improvements for DJ Pro.Beyond the support of Catalina, today’s release brings forth these additional updates: PLEASE CHECK: Serato DJ Pro & macOS 10.15 compatibility & hardware information It’s also important to know that new Apple laptops cannot be downgraded from Catalina. This is out of Serato’s control and all DJs should check the support status of their hardware in the link below before updating. However, there is a collection of DJ hardware from some of our partners that do not currently work with macOS Catalina.

Libraries are loaded automatically with no need for manual exporting. Apple’s new ‘Music’ app is also supported which means it will be a seamless transition for DJs. Released today, DJ Pro 2.3 and DJ Lite 1.3 are both supported in macOS Catalina. Serato support for macOS Catalina – here’s what you need to know. To start, here’s the PR about the new updated software: But before you kick off with pitchforks and burning torches in Serato’s general direction, it’s not their fault. Sadly, the list of compatible hardware just got quite serious butchered. You thought the USB changes in Yosemite were bad - stick your head between your legs and prepare to kiss some of your DJ gear goodbye, for Serato is releasing Serato DJ Pro 2.3 and Serato DJ Pro Lite v1.3 today, that do work in Catalina with the new Music app.

I pause and grope for a diplomatic way to describe what in reality is an epic clusterfuck the likes of which has never been seen before in the history of digital DJing. The release of macOS Catalina has… been… ( rubs chin) problematic.